Would you like to keep on developing as an udder health advisor and really make a difference when it comes to mastitis management? Click on the button below and discover what the Mastitis & Management Boost training sessions can mean for you!
You are a dairy veterinarian or consultant with an interest in udder health. With the increasing competition in other areas of herd health management such as fertility and nutrition and the increasing discussions on the use of antibiotics on a dairy herd, you see still a lot of opportunities when it comes to mastitis management. You might already have attended various training courses on udder health and milk quality. You feel like already having quite some knowledge BUT still...
You do not yet (always) manage to translate that knowledge into targeted herd-specific advice.
You sometimes feel unsure in the discussion with your dairy producer.
You often feel lonely and lack feedback, confidence and support when it comes to mastitis decision making.
You search for a sounding board to whome you can discuss with and bounce ideas, insights and possible solutions to a particular problem. The mere thought that this would be all possible already reassures you and gives you confidence to get started immediately.
You experience difficulties in convincing your dairy producers to take effective action. What would it be like if they just take your advice as granted and immediately convert it into action?
Your enthusiasm and passion for udder health slacks off when you think of the boring though necessary report writing and time-consuming monitoring afterwards. You may even have tried a few times already to install a regular follow-up of the udder health on some of your herds. But due to a lack of time, you could never manage for long.
Guess what? You are not alone. It is our belief that mastitis management can be truly made easy and fun as long as you have access to a combination of the right tools, knowledge and expertise, and the enthusiasm of like-minded passionated peers. It is precisely the lack of these 3 necessary elements that explains why mastitis is still an issue and still causes substantial milk production losses and food wasting on many dairy herds worldwide, even after more than 70 years of accumulating knowledge on how to prevent and control mastitis.
Well, Mastitis & Management is such a concept in which all these aspects of mastitis management including training and coaching (Mastitis & Management Boost training), fact-based advice and data management (Keno™-M software), and the feedback of experienced and passionate like-minded peers are combined in one holistic approach. The Mastitis & Management concept makes mastitis management easy on any dairy farm.