Sponsor opportunities
The Regional NMC meeting 2024 will offer ample opportunities for industry partners to come into contact with veterinary practitioners, extension specialists, consultants, farm managers, researchers interested in udder health & milk quality from Europe and beyond, with a number of people from the US and Canada joining to attend the Mastitis Research Workers meeting taking place in the week before (August 8 and 9). Similarly to 2014, there will be slots available for Industry Lunch Forum which is an excellent way for companies to communicate their latest scientific, technical research or product developments to the participants of the event. Companies will also have the opportunity to organize a workshop with speakers and chairpersons of their choice (Industry Seminar).
Are you interested in sponsoring this event and would you like to stay informed about the sponsor opportunities for the Regional NMC Meeting 2024? Then click on the button below and we will keep you up to date.